
Food & Agriculture

Emissions from agriculture were 9% of the United States’ total in 2017. This topic suggests many ways to reduce emissions from food consumption and production and sequester carbon in soil while maintaining or increasing productivity. Please vote to identify shared goals.

Sub Topics

 Reduced Food Waste

. Create zero waste initiatives and infrastructure for end users, including consumer, grocery and hospitality food steams.

Documents: D14 D30 D151

. Set food loss and waste reduction targets and create systematic measurement procedures.

Documents: D31 DB138

. Create incentives for farms and businesses to generate a low carbon footprint, including waste to energy/zero waste goals.

Documents: D84

. Create financial responsibility for food waste on food retailers and producers.

Documents: D84

. Create a cost-of-production price support system, food and energy security reserves, and conservation program with full planting flexibility to avoid wasteful overproduction.

Documents: D14 D84 D90

. Create incentives and connections for farmers to donate surplus food to emergency food providers.

Documents: D31 D99

. Mandate food retailers send surplus food to community and emergency food programs.

Documents: D84

. Require all federal contracts for food services of $10,000 or more, or for use of federal property for private events, to donate excess wholesome food to nonprofits for food-assistance programs.

Documents: DB138

. Incentivize markets for food that does not meet current cosmetic standards.

Documents: D14

. Create government procurement policies to purchase cosmetically-nonconforming food.

Documents: D99

. Standardize and improve date labeling to reduce waste.

Documents: D14 D31 DB138 D151

. Invest in consumer awareness to increase skills to reduce household food waste.

Documents: D31

. Track and report food waste throughout the supply chain.

Documents: D151

. Invest in packing, tracking, and storage innovation.

Documents: D151

 Plant Rich Diet

. Incorporate environmental sustainability into dietary guidelines.

Documents: D14 D31 D88 D98 D151

. Reorient agricultural priorities from producing high quantities to producing healthy foods.

Documents: D30

. Create programs to encourage restaurants and other food operations to promote plant-forward, climate-friendly menus using behavioral science.

Documents: D88

. Create training & support programs for new and transitioning farmers to increase specialty crop (fruit, vegetable, legume) production.

Documents: D99

. Restrict marketing of unhealthy, unsustainable foods.

Documents: D30

. Fund advertising campaigns, like Meatless Mondays, to educate the public on the climate change impacts of their food choices, and create programs to market healthy, sustainable diets.

Documents: D30 D84 D88 D98 D99

. Incentivize growing plant-based foods and create environmentally sustainable production systems.

Documents: D30 D98 D120

. Create financial incentive programs to develop and market meat substitutes.

Documents: D86

. Create an excise tax on animal meat to reflect the health and environmental costs.

Documents: D63 D98

. Stop subsidizing meat, dairy, fish, and eggs, and invest in vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains for human consumption.

Documents: D98 D99

. Create funding programs to help large consumers (such as municipalities, schools, and corporations) shift to healthy, plant-based offerings.

Documents: D98

. Provide grants to animal agricultural operations to convert entirely to plant-based foods.

Documents: D98

. Require all government procurement policies to reduce animal products and shift to sustainable, healthy diets.

Documents: D4 D11 D30 D84 D88 D99 D151

. Public food programs should avoid purchase of higher carbon footprint and ultra processed foods.

Documents: D84

. Mandate high sustainability and ethical standards, developed by animal rights activists, farmers & supermarkets, for meat sold in supermarkets.

Documents: D120

. Support research and development to improve the availability and healthfulness of plant‐based foods while minimizing environmental impacts.

Documents: D151


. Provide tax credits for sustainable agroforestry, combining forest and agriculture.

Documents: D21

 Regenerative Annual Cropping

. Establish policy and financial support for carbon sequestration in soils, such as incorporating farm organic waste into soil, low or no tillage, nitrogen-fixing cover crops, replacement of annuals with perennial crops and pastures, agroforestry, establishing buffer strips, and keeping some farmland with natural vegetation.

. Expand sustainable farming and soil practices to 70% of agricultural land by 2050.

Documents: D21

. Increase financial incentives, conservation programs, research, and training to encourage organic and regenerative farming and perennial agriculture practices that protect soil health, water quality, biodiversity and pollinator habitats.

. Support farmers transitioning away from chemical farming.

Documents: D4 D17

. Outlaw synthetic fertilizers and mandate regenerative agriculture.

Documents: D84

. Strengthen regulation to prevent environmental degradation from pesticides and runoff.

Documents: D14

. Tax the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides.

Documents: D14

. Create a comprehensive soil health program with enforceable, detailed benchmarks that require all food, agriculture and land management agencies to evaluate and improve soil health.

Documents: D84

. Resolve insurance conflicts with cover crop use.

Documents: D85

. Increase public research funding for non-GMO seeds, breeds, and farming methods.

Documents: D14

. Provide incentives for food assistance customers to shop at stores that conform to stocking standards for agroecologically produced food.

Documents: D84

. Provide favorable loans for specialized equipment for regenerative practices.

Documents: D84

. Increase funding for research into soil health and carbon sequestration.

Documents: D31

. Establish a carbon farming tax credit.

Documents: DB124

. Help factory farm contract growers regain their independence and transition to climate-friendly, soil carbon-enhancing practices.

Documents: D16

. Enforce the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule in order to ensure organic standards are met and not corrupted by large-scale producers.

Documents: D16

. Implement enhanced procedures to track organic imports and ensure that imported products fully comply with U.S. organic standards.

Documents: D16

. Change supermarket stocking standards in food assistance programs to encourage agroecologically produced food.

Documents: D84

. Create agroecology food standards in food assistance programs that include workers' rights, regional agriculture, and local sourcing.

Documents: D84

. Prioritize public procurement of agroecologically produced, local food.

Documents: D84

. Increase farm-to-food bank tax credits, farm-to-school reimbursement rates and other financial incentives for more local dairy and protein donations and procurement channels.

Documents: D84

. Make agricultural subsidies conditional upon regenerative agricultural practices.

Documents: D120

 Conservation Agriculture

. Require all recipients of government support to implement rigorous, cost-effective conservation, GHG reduction, and carbon sequestration practices, with significant investment in technical assistance to help farmers.

Documents: D4

. Reform the federal crop insurance program to reward stewardship practices and make real, measurable conservation a condition of eligibility for premium subsidies.

Documents: D14

. International funding should link programs to improve agricultural production with forest or other ecosystem protection.

Documents: D86

 Perennial Staple Crops

. Promote use of perennial crops, trees, long-lived vines, shrubs and herbs, such as bananas, avocados, breadfruit, coconut, and brazil nuts.

Documents: D1

 Managed Grazing

. Phase out Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

Documents: D4 D11 D14 D17 D84 D90 D98 DB149 D151

. End subsidies for industrial animal agriculture and animal feed monocultures, and invest in regenerative agriculture feed grains.

Documents: D4 D11 D16 D84 DB138

. Block market consolidation and end mandatory payments to trade associations (checkoffs).

Documents: D14

. Require corporations to pay the true environmental and social costs of industrial farms and confined animal feeding operations.

Documents: D13

. Support pasture-based animal husbandry for poultry and pigs.

Documents: D16

. Provide incentives and government support to develop compounds to reduce methane emissions from plant-eating animals.

Documents: D86 DB138

. Support the development of seaweeds, such as Asparagopsis taxiformis, as a feed for plant-eating animals to reduce methane.

Documents: D1

. Increase animal productivity through improved food quality, breeding, and healthcare.

Documents: D86

. Regulate use of non-therapeutic antibiotics in animal agriculture.

Documents: D14 D120

. Ensure policies support 100% grazing for herbivores.

Documents: D16 D86

. Establish a payment program for adoption of non-digester dairy and livestock methane management including pasture based, open air, composting and other methods.

Documents: DB138

. Cease building new or expanded waste lagoons for confined animal feeding operations.

Documents: DB138

. Establish advanced rotational grazing management on 50% of grazing lands by 2030, and 100% by 2040.

Documents: DB138

. Place a moratorium on new and expanding large CAFOs.

Documents: DB149

. Provide a voluntary buyout for farmers who want to transition out of operating a CAFO.

Documents: DB149

. Establish mandatory tracking and public reporting of emissions from livestock and poultry industries.

Documents: D151

. Establish mandatory targets for greenhouse gas reductions from the animal agriculture sector.

Documents: D151

 Clean Cookstoves

. Encourage black carbon mitigation, including support for clean-burning cookstoves and fuels, as part of official development assistance.

Documents: DB101

. Help developing nations establish thriving markets for clean and efficient cooking solutions.

Documents: DB101

 Improved Rice Cultivation

. Require farmers to adopt emissions-reducing rice management policies, including drawing down water levels during the growing season to reduce the growth of methane-producing bacteria, or planting rice initially into dry rather than flooded land, and incentivize farmers to plant lower-methane rice varieties.

Documents: D86

 Multistrata Agroforestry

. Create market incentives for multistrata agroforestry that layers planting from tree canopies to undercrops.

Documents: D1

. Mandate community-wide food and organic material waste bins in curbside municipal waste collection.

Documents: D66 D70 D99 D151

. Create financial incentives to make collection of organics cheaper than trash disposal.

Documents: D70

. Mandate source-separation of organic waste by businesses.

Documents: D84

. Incentivize businesses to implement food waste prevention techniques.

Documents: D84

. Create financial incentives for local composting, so the transport of materials doesn’t reduce the climate benefits of composting.

Documents: D70

. Subsidize creation of composting facilities and programs through grants, loans, and other financial mechanisms.

Documents: D70

. Mandate rates of food scrap diversion from landfill.

Documents: D6

. Require commercial producers of organic waste (grocery stores and food processing facilities) to divert organic waste to composting facilities.

Documents: D70 D151

. Ban organic materials from landfills.

Documents: D70

 Nutrient Management

. Prohibit the sale of certain pesticides to protect bees and birds, including clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran, acetamiprid, thiacloprid, nithiazine, or fipronil.

Documents: DB123

. Shift subsidies from fertilizers to support higher nitrogen use efficiency.

Documents: D86

. Impose stricter standards for the maximum contaminant limit (MCL) for pesticide/fertilizer residues in water, regularly test all water sources, disclose results publicly, and impose fines on chemical manufacturers, not farmers, when there are violations.

Documents: D14

. Expand voluntary water and soil conservation projects and nutrient reduction programs.

Documents: D21 D150

. Regulate the emissions from fertilizer manufacturing once viable, low-carbon technologies are available.

Documents: D86

 Farmland Irrigation

. Create small-scale irrigation and water conservation systems to help farmers cope with rainfall variability caused by climate change.

Documents: D86

. Provide financial and technical assistance for the installation of terraces and natural stormwater infrastructure to combat loss of soil and erosion.

Documents: D21

 Sustainable Smallholders

. Support international women farmers by ensuring equal legal rights to own land and access training and financial support, such as microcredit.

Documents: D1 D31

 Biodiversity within Agriculture

. Promote practices that enhance biodiversity in agricultural systems, such as riparian buffer strips and flower field margins, and protecting remaining intact ecosystems.

Documents: D30

. Fund the restoration of pollinator habitats.

Documents: D21 D86

. Make agricultural subsidies conditional upon increasing ‘ecological focus areas’ with forests, meadows and rewilding as percentage of farmed land.

Documents: D120

 Wild Fisheries / Aquaculture

. Overhaul fishery subsidies to reduce overfishing.

Documents: D86

. Establish fishing quotas and allocate shares among fishers.

Documents: D86

. Manage aquaculture facility siting to minimize environmental impacts.

Documents: D86

. Protect fisheries and waterways through improved enforcement of policies and utilization of regenerative ocean farming, such as with oysters and mussels.

Documents: D84 D86

. Support fisheries and small fishers by supporting research, technical assistance and federal support parallel to that of agriculture producers.

Documents: D14

. Improve productivity and environmental performance of aquaculture.

Documents: D86

. Develop and implement new technologies to reduce disease and need for antibiotics in aquaculture, including advanced diagnostics, vaccines, dietary supplements, feed alternatives, and genetic improvements.

Documents: D86

. Require best management practices in aquaculture, such as reducing water exchange and seepage, increasing recirculation, improving sanitation, and not stocking fish too densely.

Documents: D86

. Create incentives for selective breeding for improved fish growth rates.

Documents: D86

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