

Transportation generates the largest share of GHG emissions in the United States. These come from cars, trucks, planes, trains, planes and buses, which overwhelmingly use petroleum based fuel. This topic proffers promising ideas that have the potential to change that reality. Please vote to identify shared goals.

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. Achieve 100% fossil free and/or zero emissions surface transportation by 2050.

Documents: D21 D151

. CLEAN Future Act: Directs EPA to set GHG emission standards for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles and non-road modes of transportation, increasing standards to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Documents: DB137

. CLEAN Future Act: Transition federal fleets to alternative fuel and low- or zero-emission vehicles.

Documents: DB137

. CLEAN Future Act: Accelerate the approval of low-carbon alternative transportation fuels under the Renewable Fuels Standard.

Documents: DB137

. Make a massive investment in affordable, reliable, and environmentally sustainable transportation systems.

Documents: D41

. Invest in research and development of innovative transportation planning to reduce energy use and GHG emissions.

Documents: D77 D83

. Make GHG reductions a criterion for federal funding eligibility for transportation and highway funding.

Documents: D83

. Add GHG assessments to transportation planning laws and regulations.

Documents: D6

. AEIA: Establish R&D pilot program to improve efficiency for nonroad mobile equipment.

Documents: DB145

. Make federal funding for surface transportation contingent on state and local transportation plans that achieve quantifiable reductions of carbon dioxide pollution from mobile sources.

Documents: D151

 Electric Vehicles

. Mandate 100% zero emission or electric new vehicle sales by 2030-2040.

. Create federal tax credits and/or rebates for purchase of electric vehicles.

Documents: DB2 D5 D6 D11 D75

. Create additional incentive programs for electric vehicle purchase for low and middle-income people.

Documents: D18 DB113 D151

. Create programs to build charging infrastructure in public space and private residences.

Documents: D6 DB95 DB113 DB137

. Expand financial investment in research and development for batteries to reduce costs.

Documents: D6

. Create educational programs about electric vehicles targeting dealers and consumers.

Documents: D6

. Use governmental purchasing power to buy electric vehicles.

Documents: D6 D20 DB137

. Create a tax on electric vehicles to ensure funding for road construction and maintenance.

Documents: D6

. Require utilities to forecast demand from electric vehicles in forecasts and integrated resource planning.

Documents: D6

. Require utilities to incentivize off-peak charging and assess the role electric vehicles can play as batteries for grid stability.

Documents: D6

. Provide funding support for manufacturing of zero-emission vehicles.

Documents: DB95

. Offer consumer incentive programs to encourage scrapping internal combustion engine vehicles, and ensure lower-income households benefit equitably.

Documents: D151

. Increase motor fuel sales tax to reflect cost of driving.

Documents: D6 D47 D83

. Increase fuel efficiency standards, aiming for over 100 miles per gallon by 2050.

Documents: D6 D47

. Create incentives for low-emission vehicles, including rebates, lower registration fees, and lower excise sales taxes.

Documents: D42 DL118

. Eliminate free on-street parking, raise parking rates, and amend zoning regulations to trim the amount of free parking developers are required to provide.

Documents: D6

. Create educational programs about fuel efficiency targeting consumers.

Documents: D47

. Create policies to decrease congestion, such as no-car zones, increased parking fees, congestion toll pricing, computerized traffic lights, dedicated road lanes, and incentives for staggered work hours and carpooling.

Documents: D6 D20 D42 D47

. AEIA: Conduct research on improving efficiency of passenger and commercial vehicles and alternatives to fossil fuels.

Documents: DB145

. Create incentives for shared vehicles to replace individually-owned vehicles.

Documents: D17 D83

. Create equity programs to increase access to ridesharing for low and middle-income people.

Documents: D18

. Create programs for publicly owned zipcars and bike sharing.

Documents: D20

. Create a program to develop online information systems and apps for public transport nationwide.

Documents: D20

. Create incentives for ridesharing, including reducing tolls and parking fees for carpools.

Documents: D1

. Improve traffic management policies such as HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes.

Documents: D47

. Develop a fleet of public taxis and carpooling services.

Documents: D120

 Public Transit

. Convert public transportation to electric vehicles, buses, trains, trollies, and light rail.

. CLEAN Future Act: Establish program to retrofit or replace diesel-fueled school buses with low- and zero-emissions buses.

Documents: DB137

. Expand bus rapid transit systems.

Documents: D1 D15

. Invest in and expand public transportation systems to better connect all neighborhoods to critical services.

. Make the use of multiple modes of public transit seamless and efficient.

Documents: D1 D6 D79

. Link transportation funding and land use planning to encourage transit-oriented development.

Documents: D6 D83

. Increase funding to encourage alternatives to driving.

Documents: D6 D120

. Create fare-free public transit.

Documents: D17 D20 D75

. Create fare-reduction programs and increased service for low and middle-income people.

Documents: D18

. Require that all new buses are electric by 2030.

Documents: D150

 Walkable Cities

. Create an analysis of access to public shopping, services, institutions, and related needs within 20 minutes walking distance.

Documents: DL25

. Develop densification planning, building codes and tax incentives that reduce sprawl and promote proximity to transit.

Documents: D6 D31 D47 D151

. Expand public green space and recreational land and waters.

Documents: D21

. Fund safe-streets programs in low-income areas for bicyclists and pedestrians, building sidewalks and crosswalks, etc.

Documents: D18 D151

. Create and enforce stronger traffic calming initiatives to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety.

Documents: D47

. Pedestrianize 50% of city streets.

Documents: D66

 Electric Bicycles

. Create incentives for use of electric bicycles.

Documents: D17

. Create clear and uniform standards for use of electric bikes to ensure safety.

Documents: D1

 Bike Infrastructure

. Connect bike sharing and public transport systems.

Documents: D78

. Increase bicycle parking at public transport points.

Documents: D78 D79

. Add bike racks to buses.

Documents: D78

. Build bike lanes separate from vehicle traffic.

Documents: D78

. Establish grants for bicycle infrastructure and bulk bicycle purchase to offer 1 to every low- and very-income public housing housing resident.

Documents: DB106


. Create incentives for teleworking and flexible/compressed work schedules to reduce peak travel and overall driving.

Documents: D1 D6

 High-Speed Rail

. Build an electric nationwide high-speed rail network.

Documents: D1 D15 D17 D130

. Invest in high-speed rail and phase out airplane flights with comparable times to rail alternatives.

Documents: D120

. Connect major metropolitan areas within 500 miles of each other by high-speed rail as soon as possible.

Documents: D151

. Electrify 100% of rail lines and engines by 2030-2035.

Documents: DB2 D21 D120 D134 D151

. Expand regional rail systems.

Documents: D15

. Expand investments in rail infrastructure to reduce congestion points.

Documents: D6

. Open rail corridors for renewable energy generation and transmission.

Documents: D134

. Mandate 100% electric trucks by 2035-2050.

Documents: D5 D11 D21 D41 D150 D151

. Use the Clean Air Act to put limits on GHG emissions from trucks.

Documents: D5

. Create tax credits, grants and other incentives to transition to energy efficient freight vehicles.

Documents: D6 D42

. Mandate fuel efficiency standards for freight vehicles.

Documents: D1 D6

. Create freight delivery systems for urban distribution including consolidation centers and alternative delivery methods that reduce congestion, like cargo bikes.

Documents: D42

. CLEAN Future Act: Establish pilot program to electrify short-haul refrigerated trucks.

Documents: DB137

. CLEAN Future Act: Expand Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Program to include medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, and make grant/loan eligibility based on GHG emissions, rather than fuel economy.

Documents: DB137

. Create streamlined processes for permitting, siting and construction of infrastructure for electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Documents: D6

. Provide aid and technical assistance to international efforts to help reduce black carbon emissions from diesel trucks and ships as well as diesel generators and industrial processes.

Documents: DB101

. AEIA: Conduct research on advanced technologies for medium- to heavy-duty vehicles.

Documents: DB145

. EPA should adopt a CO2 emissions standard for aircraft.

Documents: D5 D6

. Create a joint aviation emission reduction measure with the European Union.

Documents: D6

. Increase taxes on aviation passenger tickets.

Documents: D6

. Create a new climate tax on aviation.

Documents: D6

. Invest in research and development of sustainable aviation fuels.

Documents: D1

. Require airlines to report their fuel efficiency data.

Documents: D1

. Mandate aircraft fuel efficiency standards.

Documents: D1 D47 D151

. Increase research and development for efficiency and electrification of aviation.

Documents: D151

. Implement a private jet and frequent-flier tax while ensuring mobility for isolated communities.

Documents: D151

. Require all publicly owned airports to purchase only zero-emission ground support equipment (GSE) starting in 2022.

Documents: D153

. Fund assistance to hospitals to replace helicopters with eVTOL (all-electric and hybrid-electric powered vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft.

Documents: D153

. Fund grants or low-cost loans to flight-training schools and flying clubs to buy electric airplanes, to help jump start the industry.

Documents: D153

. Incentivize airlines to use sustainable aviation fuels and ensure availability at airports.

Documents: D153

. Mandate designs of ships to be more fuel efficient.

Documents: D1 D47

. Enforce and fund application of the Clean Air Act to limit greenhouse gas emission from ships, aircraft, smokestacks and other sources.

Documents: D5

. Develop a comprehensive plan to reduce black carbon emissions from ships.

Documents: DB101

. Create a tax or credit system for greenhouse gas emissions from ships.

Documents: D6

. Require ships to track and report all greenhouse gas emissions.

Documents: D6

. Assess the net impact of the Jones Act on shipping emissions, and change the law to ensure emission reductions.

Documents: D6

. Renegotiate the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships to require decarbonisation of fleets to limits of available technology.

Documents: D120

. Require emissions reduction per ton of cargo of 50% by 2030.

Documents: D151

. Increase R&D to develop more fuel‐efficient ships and low‐ to zero‐emission ship propulsion technologies.

Documents: D151

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