Two-Big Months 4 Earth: “Clean” Energy Mandate In Play! But what version?
It doesn’t get any hotter than this for an idea in Congress! We have a big moment for a CES – that may hinge on our ability to unite…
Here’s my take on this situation:
The President’s plan is to include a “Clean Energy” Standard in the American Jobs Bill, and climate coalitions are in motion to support that, with a House version due by July 4th..
That makes May-June – two big months for Earth!
The thing is, there are different proposals for how a CES should work, 4-5 at least. Below’s an article on some of the debate.
I think we need to analyze these plans with science, not politics. We need data to know if it’ll work in time!
We’re in two coalitions working on various CESs. If you know experts in this arena, let me know and let’s have them come present.
The approach in The EARTH BILL is for a “renewable electricity” standard defined as “wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, wave and existing hydropower.” Other approaches include Emission Measures of CO2-Equivalent per Kilowatt hour that are “technology neutral”, and others with carbon market schemes.
The answer to this policy decision will determine the future of our planet. So it’s important to get it right.
The basic question is how best to get utility companies to segue from buying fossil fuels to using “non-polluting” sources on a timeline.
This is the question we need to answer. And we need all the best minds working on it – like we just did on covid.
This is the fate of the planet and many more diseases at stake here.
We also can’t wait to know the policy answer before we start pushing Congress NOW for a CES or RES (renewable energy standard).
We are told the FF opposition is lobbying hard, yet Congress is not hearing from our side.
Note, all the groups – despite policy differences – are pulling together on this. We’ll work out the details together.
So for now, the agreed-upon approach is for everyone to forge ahead with your ideas, just keep pushing in the same direction!
If you like The Earth Bill approach, go ahead and send this letter to your Congressperson today! Join the Monday night EARTH CORE 8 pm ET to go all-in! Take the Group Pledge. Or Citizen Pledge.
It’s showtime folks! Let’s get smart on “clean energy standards”. Nothing’s more important. TF